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Variants: What are they?
Variants can be used to track Merchandise, Beverage efficiency, and Ingredients.
Variants for Merchandise
You can create variants on products, resulting in an individual product that has multiple attribute variations available. For instance, if you offer a select T Shirt in multiple colors and sizes, you will be able to combine the different variations of the “T Shirt” product within one item, creating a seamless ordering experience for your guests and staff alike! Each variant of the “T Shirt” product can accommodate its own price, inventory count, par, and SKU for easier merchandise management and reporting.
- Seamlessly integrate merch into your menu
- Track inventory levels on each SKU (Your Small Blue Jersey will be tracked as 1 product allowing you to input the stock level associated to that size and color)
- Set ordering pars for each variant and view them in one place
Variants for Beverage & Ingredient Tracking
In addition to using variants for merchandise, you can now assign a unit of measurement to a product to track the total units sold. For example, you can track the total ounces of a beer sold by assigning 5 ounces to a taster pour, 10 ounces to a small pour, and 16 ounces to a pint. When the life cycle of the beer has ended, simply run a report to see the total number of ounces sold!
- Beverage efficiency tracking and reporting
- Track grams of pizza dough sold
- Waste reduction
To learn how to set up your variants, click here.