SMS Opt-In for Guests

In this article we will cover how guests opt-in for SMS messaging.

With the new SMS regulations, customers need to explicitly opt-in to text messaging by clicking a checkbox agreeing to be texted. 

How Guests Opt-In

-For QR ordering, guests opt-in at checkout by clicking this checkbox above their phone numbers. This messaging is customizable and we'll cover how to adjust that later in the article.

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-For Easy Tab/Phone Pass/Guest Info Prompt on the POS/CFD, guests do not need to explicitly click anything to opt-in. By letting them know they will receive a text at both the top and additional messaging at the bottom, the guest is providing consent to SMS messaging. 

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-On the KDS, you can click the 3 dots on a ticket to see if a guest is opted in or out for SMS messaging. The bell icon with a slash through indicates a guest has opted out of messaging. Otherwise, the normal texting functions will show. 

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Customize SMS Opt-In Messaging

-Navigate to your Subscribers Page in the GoTab Manager Dashboard and click the pencil icon on Order Updates.

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-Add a description. This description shows above the checkbox more thoroughly describing what a guest is opting into. We're recommending to add that this is not a marketing list and it's purely for notification when an order status updates.  Screenshot 2024-10-04 113354 (1)

-Click over to Opt-in Text and add a brief message that will go beside the checkbox guests click to opt-in.

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-From here, click submit and your SMS Order Updates messaging is complete. 



Q: Where can I see who has opted-out? 

A: On the KDS follow the instructions above to see if a guest is not opted-in. You can also find this on the Subscribers Page of the GoTab Manager Dashboard.

Please note that only guests that once explicitly opted in and then opted out are reflected here. If a guest orders and simply doesn't click checkbox to opt in, they will not be reflected on your Order Updates Subscribers.  

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Q: How Can A Guest Opt-In Who Previously Opted-Out or Skipped Opt-In

A: There are a few ways to achieve this.

-Guests can text  START to your registered OpenPhone number to opt back in to SMS messaging.

-Guests can also open a past receipt from the their GoTab Customer Account at for your location and click the checkbox to opt-in as they would have during the checkout process shown above.

-They can also opt-in during their next order at checkout by clicking the checkbox to agree to SMS messaging.