Setting up QuickBooks Online

Our QuickBooks Online integration allows for your GoTab accounting data to automatically sync via daily exports of your accounting information directly into QBO.

Before Connecting QuickBooks

  1. Know that the GoTab/QBO integration only supports accrual accounting. 
  2. Prepare your QuickBooks Online side. Once QBO is connected, we automatically import GL (general ledger) Codes from QuickBooks.
  3. Contact your customer success manager to grant your location access to the QuickBooks Online integration and let them know if you'd like automatic (highly recommended) or manual data export. 

Connecting QuickBooks

  • Click on your Accounting page and click connect QuickBooks at the top. From here, you will be prompted for your QuickBooks credentials.

QBO Accounting Page Showing Credentials

Assign QBO GL Codes to GoTab Accounting Groups

  • Click the gear icon on the Accounting page to get to our new Chart of Accounts.

New QBO Chart of Accounts Page (1)

  • Click over to Unmapped on the far right.

Screenshot 2024-10-21 102429

  • Click the pencil icon on the relevant accounts and map them to their corresponding GoTab Accounting Group.
Example:  The pencil icon on the unmapped Beer account here then allows us to set the GoTab "Net Sales" accounting group for this Beer GL imported from QBO. 

Edit Account Chart Accounts (1)

  • As highlighted in the image below, you will need a "Customer" created within QuickBooks for any receivables. Receivables in GoTab are any tab(s) that are not paid by the end of the business day. Although you can simply call "GoTab" the customer in QBO, please note that it's not money owed from GoTab, but rather the total of all tabs on a given day that were not paid in full. 

Receivable Customer (1)

  • Now the GL codes imported from QuickBooks Online are mapped, we can go through our chart of accounts. Net Sales--Autograt--Tax--Deferred Revenue--Receivables--Tips--Fees--Chargebacks--Processors--Other--Paid in/Out and assign the newly mapped QBO GL codes.

In the image below we show where we can set our newly mapped Draft Beers category to Beer* (the asterisk is how you know this is an account mapped to QBO). Because we chose to set it on the Draft Beers Category in the example below, it will automatically apply to all products in that category. If you instead had products within this category that you wanted to map to something other than beer, you would instead go item by item and choose the net sales account you want.

Screenshot 2025-01-09 091741



  • GoTab pulls all GL Codes from QBO. For any non-relevant codes, please ignore and do not delete or assign to accounting group.
  • An asterisk by the account name indicates that this is an imported QBO GL Code and that a GoTab accounting group has been associated. The account then will also no longer show in unmapped. In our Beer example, you now see it is showing under Net Sales with an asterisk denoting it's mapped and connected to QBO. Screenshot 2024-10-21 112456
  • A red asterisk and an account still in unmapped denotes a QBO GL Code but no corresponding GoTab accounting group has been set. Screenshot 2024-10-21 113004
  • QBO integration is not dynamic. If changes are made in QuickBooks Online, then you must reconfigure QuickBooks from the Accounting Page. Then, individually remap accounts in GoTab. It is highly recommended to completely configure QBO before connecting to GoTab.
  • Be sure to select a QBO linked account for all options. Any unlinked will cause the data export to fail until corrected.



Why did my QuickBooks export fail for a specific day? 

The most likely reason is that this day contained an option that is not linked to a QBO GL Code

What do I do if an export failed?

Navigate to the Accrual section of your Accounting page and click the QuickBooks icon on the information card for the business day in reference. If something is unlinked, it will tell you what and provide you an opportunity to link to a QBO GL Code and then try the export again by clicking the QBO icon.

KB w QBO Export Button (1)

Note: A "last submitted" note beside the QuickBooks icon indicates a successful export. If "last submitted" does not show, then the export was unsuccessful for that day.