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GoTab Manager Dashboard Announcements
Searchable: On vs Off
Searchable is used for your menus and zones.
Searchable "YES"
When searchable is set to "yes," on your menus, guests will be able to view the menu by scanning into the zone QR that the menu is set to be orderable in. For most cases, we recommend having searchable turned on for your menus.
Searchable "NO" (Turning off searchability)
When searchable is set to "no" on your menus, guests will need to have the menu QR to find the menu and order from it. The menu will not show anywhere else.
To find the menu QR:
- Links & QRS
- Menus
- Select the menu QR
- Special Events
- Private Menus
Searchable "YES"
Enabling your zones to be searchable "yes" will ensure the zone can be found when hitting the zones option during "start order." We recommend always having searchable turned on for your zones. Most of the scenarios where this would be configured to "no" would be off-premise menus, events, or parties.
Searchable "NO" (Turning off searchability)
When searchable is set to "no" guests will be required to have the zone QR code to be able to view the menus configured to the zone. Guests will not be able to find the zone or spots configured to the zone when pressing the "start order" option.
When viewing your schedules dashboard, you can see if a menu or zone is configured to be searchable. The "red eye" icon indicates that a zone or menu is not searchable. This can be helpful when troubleshooting.