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Product Updates (8/16/24)
Unsent Order Improvement
The example video below demonstrates the brief yellow highlight over the items as we validate the item(s) in the background. This example is of a solid network connection but can be faster or slower, depending upon network connection speeds.
Sparing too many technical details, we are changing item validation (is the item in stock, orderable etc.) from the foreground as each item is added, to the background. This will increase the speed with which items can be added to unsent orders, particularly in instances where perhaps the network connection is less than ideal.
A yellow highlight will show over unsent items, as well as over any method of sending an order (Send & Pay, Send, Send & Stay and Auth & Send). Once all item validations occur, the yellow highlights go away and the order can be sent.
Please note that exiting out of a tab with unsent items (navigating to different tab, pinning out of POS etc.) will still leave those items unsent. If the items were being added to an already existing tab, the yellow dot indicator will still show to alert a server that item(s) are still unsent. If it was a lightning bolt quick order never sent, it will still show under PENDING until sent.
Guest Mode Update
Guest Mode is now a setting that can be toggled per individual display. Navigate to More--Settings--Display in your POS to toggle Guest Mode on or off. Don’t know what Guest Mode is? Click here to learn more.
Guest Mode can also be toggled on from your Displays Page in the Manager Dashboard from the gear icon for each display.