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Throttles: Control the amount of orders that are placed during a period of time.
Throttling is a functionality used to limit the number of orders that can be ordered by guests during a certain day and time.
- Throttles can only be assigned to Takeout/Delivery zones.
- IMPORTANT NOTE: The zones must have the same schedule step (15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc.) to share a throttle.
The Throttle button at the top right is available on all zones pages and is used to add/edit/delete throttles. Set a throttle on a zone by clicking the Set Throttles dropdown shown in the lower left.
How to Create a Throttle:
Click on the "throttle" button on the top right of the zones screen.
Press +create throttle
- Name: Throttle Name (e.g., Holiday)
- Order Limit: Amount of orders that can be submitted
- Subtotal Limit: Limit the subtotal amount
Attaching a Throttle to a Zone
When attaching throttles to a zone, you have to make sure the time step matches the throttle you need for that zone.
For example, if you want to limit orders to 5 orders every 10 minutes, you will set the order limit on the Throttle to "5" and set the time step to "10." Once the maximum orders have been reached for each 10-minute increment, guests will no longer be able to select that time to order.
- Edit your throttles schedule
- Update the display order of your throttles
- Toggle your throttle on or off