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Multi-Operator: Interpreting Vendor Fees (Remittances)
How do I view remittances?
There are two different ways remittances are viewed depending on who is looking at them.
Master Location (Food Hall, Arena, etc): Will view remittances on the master locations sales page. The sales page will break down each vendors overall sales as well as any remittances to the parent location.
The master locations sales page will contain the following:
- Overall sales, taxes, and tips for the entire establishment for the date range selected
- Sales by vendor by zone
- Sales by vendor
- Remitted Sales
- Remitted Tips
Vendors: Vendors will view their remittances under their individual dashboards. Their dashboard will show them how much they have remitted to the master location.
The vendors dashboards will contain the following:
- Only their sales, taxes, and tips
- Only their remitted sales
- Sales by zone
Remittances will be labeled on these dashboards by "Sales Remittances - Outgoing" or "Sales Remittances - Incoming."
- Sales Remittances - Outgoing: Remittances going from the vendor to the master location. (This will show on the sales dashboard under how much a vendor remitted as a negative amount)
- Sales Remittances - Incoming: Remittances shown on the masterlocation. (This will show under the sales dashboard as a positive amount for how much the parent location received)
When looking to view how much your payouts should be, we recommend viewing the accrual tab under the accounting page.