KDS: Ticket Timer

KDS Ticket Timer

In the KDS, there are two ways to account for time. Operators can choose to use the countdown mode or count up mode [simple ticket timer]. The countdown method shows the kitchen staff how much time it will take to prepare an item and orders. Whether using the countdown mode or count-up mode the ticket colors hold the same meaning.

Ticket Color 

  • The ticket timer and prep time prep intervals are set on each device.
  • Gray - The order has just been placed. 
  • Yellow - The order has been sitting in the queue and has almost reached the allotted prep time.
  • Red - The order is overdue. 
  • Green - A completed and dispatched order.

All Versions KDS Ticket Colors

We also updated the yellow ticket timer to increase the contrast, making it easier to read.

Original and New Yellow KDS Ticket Timer (1)

Countdown Mode

Prep Time: Each product is associated with a specific prep time which determines the countdown of the ticket. If the ticket has multiple items, the ticket timer will count down from the item with the longest prep time.

Count-Up Mode [Simple Ticket Timer] 

All incoming tickets will start at 0 and count up. There are no pre-set prep times associated with the items.

Ticket Timer Set-Up

  1. Click the three bar icon in the left-hand corner
  2. Hit Additional
  3. Choose to set the KDS to use the count-up or countdown mode
  4. Set the Prep Time Intervals