How To Create House Account Processor

What is a House Account?

House accounts allow you to create a form of payment that is independent from credit cards or your cash accounts. A good example would be if guests are allowed to pay for a tab with a physical check. You need a payment method to close the tab to and creating a physical check house account is a great way to do that.

How to Create the Processor

Note: Creating new processors (Gift Card, House Account etc.) requires both control:payments & control:location user permissions.

-Navigate to the Processors Page in your GoTab Manager Dashboard. 

Processors Page

-Click Add Processor.

Add Processor Processors Page

-Choose House Account as the type. Name the account and click save.

Add House Account and Name It Processors Page

Your house account is now created. Click here to learn how to add accounts to your newly created house account processor. Please note that creating the processor is the first step. Without adding accounts to the processor, no house account payment method will be available yet. 


If your house account is something you want to setup daily, you can set the processor to require daily reconciliation. This is a rare setting to utilize with House Accounts and is not usually recommended or required.

-Click pencil icon. 

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-Toggle Reconciliation ON.

Reconcile House Account Setting