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Call Number Prompt
The call number prompt feature allows you to add an automatic POS prompt to enter a call number for an order. (Think buzzer or number you call out, not phone number)
How to Use Call Number Prompt
Often, people will use a buzzer system to notify a guest that an order is ready. With the call number prompt, we have provided the opportunity for an automatic prompt to pop up in your POS where a server can enter a buzzer/call number to an order.
Now with the information listed on the tab and printed orders, a server can go to the independent buzzer platform and enter this call number to notify a guest an order is ready.
Call number on a tab in the POS.
Call number on the KDS and printed kitchen chit.
How to Setup a Call Number Prompt
You can set the prompt up either directly in your POS or from the Displays page in your GoTab manager dashboard.
-From the Displays page.
-From the Devices & Printers settings in your POS.
-Prompt is the description for the action the server will be taking. In this example, we want them to enter the guest's buzzer number.
-Display is what will show on the tab or as in the printed kitchen chit shown previously.
Once you've configured and saved your prompt, your servers will now be prompted to enter a call number on every order sent. In the examples provided, we're asking to Enter a Buzzer Number.